Opening remarks from Peggy Emerson, Fairfield Chamber President

I am truly honored to be here today as we gather for the Women Mean Business Series, where we celebrate the incredible power and impact that women bring to our communities. Our focus today is on a powerful word: ELEVATE.

Elevating our community through service is not just a noble cause; it’s a fundamental responsibility that each one of us carries. Who here has seen the movie “Up”?  I want you to think about those balloons that lift up the house.

Have you ever stopped to consider the profound impact we can make when we channel our energy into uplifting others? Service is not just a one-way street; it’s a reciprocal exchange that enriches both the giver and the receiver. It’s about creating a positive ripple effect that extends far beyond our immediate actions.

Think about the women who have inspired you, who have paved the way for progress, breaking barriers and shattering ceilings. They didn’t just climb; they extended a hand down to lift others up. That’s the essence of elevation – it’s not a solitary journey; it’s a collective ascent.

Every act of service, no matter how small, contributes to the elevation of our community. Whether it’s mentoring a colleague, supporting a local initiative, or championing a cause that resonates with you, these actions create a domino effect of positive change. It’s the small, consistent efforts that build the foundation for a thriving and empowered community.

So, let me ask you: How can you elevate those around you? What unique talents, skills, and passions do you possess that can contribute to the betterment of others? Your journey, your experiences, and your successes are not just for personal satisfaction; they are tools to empower and inspire those who come after you.

As women in business, we have the ability to redefine success not just by the heights we reach individually, but by how many we bring with us on the journey. Together, we can elevate our community to new heights.  Thinking of those balloons from Up… no one of them could have ever raised the house off its foundation alone.  It took the massive efforts of 10,000 balloons to make that beautiful moment.  Each of them had to do its part.

So, let’s embark on this journey of elevation, hand in hand, heart in heart. Because when women mean business, they mean the business of educating, empowering, and elevating… leaving an indelible mark on the world.