Leadership Fairfield is a nine month program – September through May- featuring nine sessions and a recognition lunch.  Participants are required to attend all of the sessions of the program.

The Leadership Fairfield program includes training in communication and leadership skills focusing on both personal and professional development.

Leadership Fairfield alumni know our community because they have studied it and experienced it. They have studied our local history and they understand the structure of our government, economy, human services, and educational systems.

They recognize our community’s strengths and they are challenged by its weaknesses.

Friendships established during the program have brought about a network of communication.

Our community has needs that must be fulfilled and challenges that must be met. This unique corps of people can play an important role in shaping our future. We can look to them for their assistance, their counsel, their expertise, and above all, their spirit.

Schedule for 2024-25 Classes

  • September 18 – Why are you here? Teambuilding, Goal Setting and Project research (Downtown Fairfield)
  • October 16 – What are your Strengths? – See results of your Strengths test, meet with community leaders and learn about service through local boards
  • November 20 – Are you a catalyst for change? – Learn about nonprofits in our area and how you can impact your community
  • December 4 – Taking Care of our Community – Tours of Mercy Hospital and Cincinnati Insurance
  • January 15 – Who is serving and protecting? – Learn about the elections process, meet our elected officials and their reps, tour local police and fire stations
  • February 19 – What do you do? – Learn about education and workforce development at Miami University, Fairfield City Schools, Butler Tech, and more
  • March 19 – What’s next for our region? – Meet with Economic Development partners and tour manufacturing facilities in Fairfield and Fairfield Township
  • April 16 – Destination: Fairfield! – Learn all that is available in our area from Parks, Neighborhoods, Travel Butler County and a tour of Jungle Jim’s
  • May 21 – What has it all meant? – Wrap up our year with a group presentation

Classes run from 8:30 AM until 2:00 PM each session.

The cost of the Leadership Fairfield program is $500 for Fairfield Chamber of Commerce members and $700 for nonmembers.  Upon receipt of your application, we will send information about payment.

Applications for 2024-25 are now closed.  Please let us know if you are interested for 25-26!  info@fairfieldchamber.com