In a small organization, the task of shaping company culture takes on a unique significance. Your culture isn’t just what you aspire it to be; it’s what you live every day. Here are three key strategies to make it work:

  • Beyond the Owner’s Vision: Culture isn’t solely the owner’s responsibility. Encourage input from your entire team. What values, beliefs, and behaviors matter most to everyone? It’s a collective effort to define your unique culture.
  • Practice What You Preach: Your team looks to leadership for guidance. Be consistent in demonstrating the values you want to see in your culture. When you live your culture, your employees will follow suit.
  • Show, Don’t Just Tell: Your corporate culture isn’t a hidden gem; it’s a showcase piece. Let it shine in every interaction with customers. Deliver an experience that reflects your values, and your customers will see and appreciate the authenticity.

In a smaller business or organization, your culture becomes your identity. It’s not just an abstract concept; it’s the essence of who you are and what you stand for. Are you all about the perfect customer experience? Are you making sure the poorest in your community succeed? Do you have a truly unique service or product that you know people need? Do you hire those who want a second chance? Embrace what you do and put that out front!

When the whole crew knows the vision, you put it into practice every day from the top down, and your customers experience it every time they walk in the door… your organization sees results. Results of stronger teamwork, happier customers, and a vibrant workplace.

How do you define and promote your corporate culture in your small organization? Let’s share insights and experiences on making culture thrive in smaller settings.  #CorporateCulture #SmallBusinessCulture #AuthenticityMatters