Mercy Serves members serve their local communities as part of a service-learning opportunity that incorporates frontline care experiences with professional development and networking. As a part of the broader opioid epidemic response, Mercy Serves AmeriCorps members provide patient education, substance use risk screening, emotional support, and referrals to treatment and social services in Mercy Health Emergency Departments including Mercy Fairfield.

Full-time and part-time positions are available, and they will start in early September 2022 and run through mid-August 2023. Recruitment is open now, anyone interested may apply through the links below. Important to note that this is not paid employment, it is service-term supported by a modest living stipend, education award, health insurance and other benefits.

Job description and application

The position is also listed on Handshake and LinkedIn.

If you prefer to share a visual, I’ve attached a photo or a video below that gives more details about the program.

Mercy Serves video


Lori Holiday

Mercy Serves Program Manager

Mercy Health
