Mercy Health Patient Billing for COVID-19 Caremercy health logo diamond sponsor fairfield chamber ohio

As part of our ongoing effort to help our patients and communities manage the impact of COVID-19, Mercy Health has suspended all COVID-19 related patient statements and billing. This removes any financial barriers to accessing care and treatment, which is part of our ongoing commitment to care for all people in need, with high-quality care, regardless of their ability to pay.

In addition, if a patient receives treatment related to COVID-19, no upfront payments will be required at the time of service.

Mercy Health will bill insurance but will suspend patient statements until we finalize details with insurance companies, lab partners, state and federal governments.

Mercy Health is part of Bon Secours Mercy Health, which provides nearly $2 million per day in community benefit care to the communities we serve.

Click here to download a PDF of this information!